arkpy.ark Module

This is the primary user-facing module defined by the arkpy package. While the arktypes module is primarily concerned with the low-level reading/writing of the file types, this module provides the developer interface for reading that data and creating new files.

Character Class

Character is a higher-level wrapper around the PrimalPlayerConfigStruct and andPrimalPersistentCharacterStatsStruct, that exposes all of their properties hidden amongst their .data dictionary as easier and shorter properties.


Name Type Description
name StrProperty A Character's name (not the steam name)
isFemale BoolProperty Flag specifying whether or not the character is female
body_colors list[LinearColor] A python list of LinearColors indexed according to the BodyColorMap
bone_modifiers list[FloatProperty] A python list of bone values (0.0-1.0) to configure the characters appearance, indexed according to BoneMap
spawn_region IntProperty The region of the map this character spawned from. An integer from 0-9
experience FloatProperty The experience that this character has gained
level_ups UInt16Property The number of times a character has leveled up. This is the character's level - 1.
stat_points list[ByteProperty] A python list of ByteProperty, indexed according to StatMap, where each value is the number of times that stat has been leveled up
engram_points IntProperty The number of engram points that this character has available to them, not the total amount they've earned.
engrams ArrayProperty[ObjectProperty] An ArrayProperty of ObjectPropertys where each item is an Object Entity Path for the engrams that have been learned
default_slots list[ObjectProperty] A python list of ObjectPropertys where each item is indexed by it's slot position, and the ObjectProperty is an Object Entity Path for an item/engram


ArkProfile Class

Responsible for loading and creating .arkprofile files.


At this moment, this class will not load the PlayerLocalData.arkprofile as that doesnt seem to follow the same structure as LocalPlayer.arkprofile and SteamID.arkprofile files do.

ArkProfiles describe individual characters, their visual appearance, and some persistent data about them like Experience, Levels, and Engrams.


Name Type Description
data dict The raw data loaded from an .arkprofile file as a tree-like structure. It is recommended you use the properties provided by ArkProfile and Character instead of drilling into data
file_type str Always 'PrimalPlayerData'
name str 'PrimalPlayerData_' appended with the number of this file
game_mode str Always 'PersistentLevel'
map_name str Name of the map this character is on, 'TheIsland' or 'TheCenter'
map_path str Path to the map, looks like '/Game/Maps/TheIslandSubMaps/TheIsland'. Can use the GameMapMap to reference these paths easier.
character Character Wrapper around the low-level structs for character information. Recommended to use this rather than digging into the data dict
player_id UInt64Property PlayerID used by the game to refer to this player.
player_name StrProperty Player's steam name they used when they first created this character. This value is not updated if they change their steam name
unique_id UniqueNetIdRepl SteamID. Also the file name for any profiles on a server.
network_address StrProperty
first_spawned BoolProperty True when the character has spawned for the first time
tribe_ID IntProperty The ID belonging to the Tribe this player is in. Tribe ID can be used to fetch tribe data by looking for a tribeID.arktribe file. Returns 0 if player has no tribe.
player_version IntProperty Always 1



Constructor method for creating an ArkProfile. Can be created programmatically or loaded from a file by specifying the file_path

Parameter Name Type Description
file_path str Path to an .arkprofile file that will be loaded into this ArkProfile with it's data
  • returns a new ArkProfile


Saves this ArkProfile to an .arkprofile file named file_path

Parameter Name Type Description
file_path str The file path that this .arkprofile file will be saved to
  • returns: None


(Internal) Writes all the header information to the BinaryStream specified.

Parameter Name Type Description
stream BinaryStream A Binary stream that this StrProperty can build itself from
  • returns: None

ArkTribe Class

Responsible for loading and creating .arktribe files. ArkTribes describe individual tribes, their members, alliances, government structure, and even a log of events that happen to the Tribe.


Name Type Description
data dict The raw data loaded from an .arkprofile file as a tree-like structure. It is recommended you use the properties provided by ArkTribe and Character instead of drilling into data
file_type str Always 'PrimalTribeData'
number int The number after 'PrimalTribeData_' in the file, which is probably just an incrementing integer for each file that's created.
game_mode str Always 'PersistentLevel'
map_name str Name of the map this character is on, 'TheIsland' or 'TheCenter'
map_path str Path to the map, looks like '/Game/Maps/TheIslandSubMaps/TheIsland'. Can use the GameMapMap to reference these paths easier.
version int 1 for now
name str Tribe's name
owner_id str The PlayerID belonging to the owner of the tribe
tribe_id str Tribe's ID, same as file name
members_names ArrayProperty[StrProperty] An ArrayProperty of the names belonging to all the members in the tribe
members_ids ArrayProperty[UInt32Property] An ArrayProperty of the IDs belonging to all the members in the tribe
members_ranks ArrayProperty[ByteProperty] An ArrayProperty of the ranks that each member holds
members list[(str, int)] Convenience property, returns a list of member tuples. Each tuple has the members name and then the members ID. NOTE: the data in the tuple is the actual python data-type, not the Property wrapper.
government_set bool True when this Tribe has a government structure
government TribeGovernment TribeGovernment struct with the government configuration for this Tribe.
tribe_admins ArrayProperty[] An ArrayProperty of all the member IDs that are also admins
alliances ArrayProperty[] An ArrayProperty of all the alliances that this Tribe belongs to. Each item in the array is a TribeAlliance struct
member_configs ArrayProperty[] An ArrayProperty of the PrimalPlayerConfigStructs belonging to members' characters.
log ArrayProperty[] An array of all the events added to the Tribe Log
log_index int Because the log stores a finite amount of events, the log index represents the current position in the unlimited log



Constructor method for creating an ArkTribe. Can be created programmatically or loaded from a file by specifying the file_path

Parameter Name Type Description
file_path str Path to an .arkTribe file that will be loaded into this ArkTribe with it's data
  • returns a new ArkTribe

BoneMap Class

extends IntEnum

BoneMap is a mapping of the bone names for character configuration to the appropriate index values they can be found in. Useful for accessing the .bone_modifiers property on the Character class

Name Value
Head_Size 0
Upper_Face_Size 15
Lower_Face_Size 16
Head_Width 19
Head_Height 18
Head_Depth 20
Hand 8
Arm_Length 5
Upper_Arm 6
Lower_Arm 7
Neck_Size 1
Neck_Length 2
Chest 3
Shoulders 4
Hip 13
Torso_Width 14
Torso_Height 21
Torso_Depth 17
Leg_Length 9
Upper_Leg 10
Lower_Leg 11
Feet 12

BodyColorMap Class

extends IntEnum

BodyColorMap is a mapping of readable body color regions, to the index values used by the game to represent them. Useful for accessing the .body_colors property on the Character class

Name Value
Skin 0
Hair 1
Eye 2

StatMap Class

extends IntEnum

StatMap is a mapping of the stat names for character stats to the appropriate index values they can be found in. Useful for accessing the .stat_points property on the Character class

Name Value
Health 0
Stamina 1
Oxygen 3
Food 4
Water 5
Weight 7
Melee_Damage 8
Movement_Speed 9
Fortitude 10
Crafting_Speed 11

GameMapMap Class

GameMapMap is a mapping of the map names and map paths to the appropriate index values they can be found in.

Name Value
the_island 'TheIsland'
the_island_path '/Game/Maps/TheIslandSubMaps/TheIsland'
the_center 'TheCenter'
the_center_path '/Game/Mods/TheCenter/TheCenter'